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10/14/04- A little OCD News for your ass. Mark D just got his cast off and is doing exercises to get back in the swing of things. So here we come and we are comeing back in a big way so get ready for a big show to welcome us back to the scene. We love to play and perform and scream out lyrics from the heart, so you can imagine how fucking ancious we are.
But you can bet that we will not play untill the new album is out and we are as tight as ever. So all I have to say is...
DOWN THE HATCH Motha Fuckas.

9/27/04- We have some new pics up from the Studio that we are still in and working on our first Full length. It will be out very soon, I Promise. Also some Pics from the Crest in Torrance. Click the Photos Page to check it out.

9/26/04- What's up OCD Fans. To answer all your e-mails we are taking a short break to work on some new shit and to get the set much much tighter. Mark D is going on 2 weeks sober so that is definitely a good thing. The only thing that sucks is that you will not be able to enjoy the man the put the D in OCD. So you can now call us the Orange County Delinquents.
We will keep you posted on all the up dates so keep checking back. As always thanks to those of you that support the 714 Family. See you all at the next Longwood Productions show. Click this link to see all the LWP shows.

9/5/04- After Math of the Longwood Party. If you were here on the 28th you might have seen the travesty that went on with the Orange County Drunks living up to thier name. If you are down with us than you know what we are suppost to sound like. We started drinkin at 1 and all of you started drinking at 8. So we appologize about the ablitheration of our set. With the combination of the Pigs fuckin with our set and a great deal of Booze Down the Hatch whoo.. And also our Drummer Cookie D fracturing his elbow during the Shotdown set. We are taking a much needed vacation to get all out shit togeter and finish the CD and to make sure that  we don't ever fuck up our set again. OCD's REVENGE will be coming ASAP.
So look out for that. As always thanks for the love and keep checking the upcoming shows page for dates for all the up coming info. Keep supporting all the other Longwood bands while we are out. Talk to ya soon OCD Family..
Oh ya on a lighter note check this fickin Picture out. Is Ian looking at Jesse's Ass and licking his lips? What the Fuck?Click this Link

8/16/04- Who new that clubs like Club 705 in Hermosa Beach and The Crest in Torrance would let a bunch of Punk Hooligans come up and play and wreck shit. What is the world coming to. Well as always we had a good time. We have some new merchandise for sale and the New Full length album will be finished some time this month.
Check out the lyrics page for some of your favorite OCD songs. Memorize those lyrics so that you can sing along with the rest of us. Also if you haven't heard, the OCD Family will be at the Longwood Productions Backyard party rockin out with bands Shotdown, Tail Dragger, The Bandwagon Patriots, Tune in Tokyo, One Big Lie, and Locjaw. Tattoos, kegs, a full bar and a Tattoo artist on site so be there and party with the longwood Punks. Check the upcoming shows page for that.
We better fucking see you there. Much love to ya, later, OCD Family.

7/23- We are pretty busy in the Month of august we have plenty of shows for you to go to so check the upcoming shows for all the info.Click the link upcoming shows. Also we would to say thanks to the rowdy crowd over at the doll hut last night you guys were allot of fun. That is what punk rock is all about. Great bands and great fans.
We are also doing a split 7" with our friends Pillow Fight so be on look out for that. I will definitely keep you posted on all the up dates. Keep fuckin it up and we will see ya at the next O.C.D. show.

7/20- What up O.C.D. fans just to update all of you we are currently in the Studio recording our kick ass First Full Length Album. We also have a two song demo that we are giving out to promote the CD so be on look out for that at the shows or you can E-mail me at ianhdown@netzero.com and I will send you one. Thanks to everyone who stuck around at the Hully Gully last Sat. It was a good time as always. Thanks to the kick ass bands who played with us. Bandwagon Patriots, Pillow Fight, and Tune in Tokyo. Much love to Longwood Family.
Now on a different note, a more pissed off note. I would just like to say that we are not going to be playing these fucking sissy as clubs anymore and if we do we are just going to fucking riot . There are to many little rules you have to follow and we are not going to follow any of the sissy club rules anymore. Its gonna be O.C.D Rules for now on. So fuck  your no moshing signs and Fuck your drink prices and Fuck you. Our shows  should not be regulated, they should be a fucking Party.
A Fucking Unity Party Longwood Style. So for the most part we will be playing a shit load of parties so come on out. Check the Upcoming shows page for details.  Also there are the new pics Photos Page from the hully gully last Sat.
Well this is OCD signing out for now. see ya at the next show.

6/27- We just wanted to say thanks to everyone who came out to Sugars last Sat. we had allot of fun. We really appreciate all the support. As we always say if you support us than you are one of us. "O.C.D Family"
We have some more shows and Parties coming up so keep checking the up coming shows page for longwood Productions, Elevated Cuts Promotions and other shows that the O.C.D Boys will be playing. Also go ahead and contact us threw the Guest Book and leave your E-mail so we can put you on the Mailing list. See you at the next show.

6/04-  What up everybody, Welcome to the official O.C.D Web site. O.C.D is now in the Studio Right now recording their first full length so keep on look out for that. Its going to kick your fucking ass. We also would like to thank all the fans and the bands(Shotdown, The Band Wagon Patriots, and Tail Dragger) that played with us at the Hully Gully for Longwood Productions, We had allot of fun .
Ian Down From Shotdown is now officially playing bass for O.C.D . Check the Up coming shows page for the show at Sugars in Anaheim. See you all there.